Monday, November 4, 2013

Gratitude Journal

It's been years since I've updated this blog. Not that I haven't been so inspired as I used to be when I last wrote in here, maybe just less public about things.

I've recently decided to take on a 30-day gratitude challenge as laid out in my plan for health for OSU's health plan, and this will be my tool for writing it.  

30-day Gratitude Challenge - Nov 1st - Nov 30th

"Spending a few minutes every day focused on things you are grateful for can make you feel better, be more optimistic and improve physical health.

 As we approach the the season of "Thanksgiving" take a few moments each day to write down the things you are thankful for.

What To Do 

Write down at least 1 thing you are grateful for every day for 30 days.
 Nov 1st - I was grateful for the opportunity to lead tantric partner yoga at Trauma. I also made $80 selling my extra tickets.
Nov 2nd - I'm grateful that I was able to sleep in and eat at Whole World with Jilly.
Nov 3rd - I'm grateful for Gurmukh and the rousing, beautiful Kundalini yoga sequence through which she led me via DVD. I also enjoyed my sadhana.
Nov 4th - Today, I'm grateful to have Kundalini class with Jill.
Nov 5th - Today, I'm grateful that I was able to work with Naomi and the NATAL group for their event at the Hillel Jewish center.  Free dinner, getting paid to convert a video, burn a couple DVDs, and help with the videoconferencing (an interesting call with Israel about the psychological trauma that veterans experience and how their organization helps provide support).  When I was walking home, I was grateful to be living in a country not constantly under terrorist attacks and war.
Nov 6th - Today, I'm grateful to have a good job with good pay where I can take my lunch break in the studio, eat my salad, and read the Aquarian Teacher book in lotus position while gazing gratefully at the bright white sky while listening to Snatam Kaur.  I'm also grateful to the lovely and generous Jill Sahiba Nielsen-Farrell for having leant me said book and for being with me.  These are getting longer! This gratitude is getting out of hand!!
Nov 7th - Today, I'm eternally grateful that Yoga on High has decided to expand our Kundalini class from once a week to twice a week, and tonight we're in a bigger room so we can fit more people! Jai! Wahe Guru!
 Nov 8th - Today, I'm grateful for TRIOMMM, our kirtan group cuz we got to sing beautiful devotional bhajans and eat tasty vegan foods that everybody cooked.
Nov 9th - I'm very happy and grateful today that I got to spend a beautiful night in Delaware at Jills..
Nov 10th - Today, I'm grateful to have spent a peaceful and therapeutic morning at Jill's, and I'm grateful for the delicious breakfast burrito she made me.  I'm grateful that Joe Brown and I have almost finished the Miracles of Jeane.  Peace out.
Nov 11th - I had a splendid day.  I was grateful to have the day off for veterans day.  I'm grateful for our fallen heroes (John Lennon, Bob Marley, Mahatma Gandhi) who died defending our freedom.
Nov 12th - Today, I'm grateful that Mercury is out of retrograde.  I'm grateful for the peaceful sleep and beautiful, snow-covered morning I spent with Jill.
Nov 13th - Yesterday, I was grateful for the new a Perfect Circle song.
Nov 14th - Today, I'm grateful for all the tasty treats I ate with Jilly.  Especially curry cashews and pecan pie.
Nov 15th - Today, I'm grateful for the opportunity to help all the international students with their digital stories and the Indonesian visiting scholars with recording their choir and the ELT group with recording the Quality Matters presentation / discussion even though i'm trying to work on my video for the workshop on Tuesday and all this stuff is taking up all my time and I'm goin crazy and gettin stressed out... still grateful.
Nov 16th - Yesterday, I was very grateful that my parents came down to C-bus for the first time in like 6-7 years or more.  I was grateful for the Northstar burger of tastiness and that Jill got to meet my mum and papa... and for Jeni's ice cream.  I'm also grateful for the nice pillowtop bed they brought me back.
Nov 17th - Today, I was grateful for the beautiful riverside drive in my nice car.  I'm grateful to have my nicer bed now and to put my new organic sheets and new pillows on it.  Cozy time.
Nov 18th - Today, I'm feeling grateful that I'm able to work from home today to finish my video.
Nov 19th - At this point, I'm just grateful that today is over and everything went smoothly.  The workshop went well, and people liked my video and the video shoot went ok.  I'm tired.
Nov 20th - Yesterday, I was grateful to have sushi, sake, and pad thai with Joe Brown after we finished editing the movie.  I was grateful that Jon was home and he gave me some cupcakes he was making.  Grateful for food.  I'm hungry.
Nov 21st - Today, I'm grateful for the people who support me in my job, my boss, Kelvin, the students, the deans, everybody is great.
Nov 22nd - Today, I'm grateful to be leading the last Digital Storytelling workshop of the year.
Nov 23rd - I try to choose different things to be grateful for each day, since there is such an overwhelming amount of abundance in this Universe.  Wahe Guru! But, Friday, I was once again grateful with my whole heart to play ecstatic songs with Triommm, our kirtan LOVE circle.  I'm also grateful the recordings came out well.
Nov 24th - Saturday, I was grateful to see all my old hometown friends at Rayce and Jennifer's wedding.  It was beautiful.
Nov 25th - Today, I'm grateful that things have quieted down at work.  I had a beautiful morning with Jill, and I'm grateful that she made me toast and herbal coffee to enjoy on my drive.
Nov 26th - Today, I was grateful for the beautiful snow, the tasty Thai and Indian dishes that Ben and Narotam cooked, and Great Lakes Christmas Ale.  Oh. And, the Beatles' Across the Universe.
Nov 27th - This day, I was grateful to get out of work early.
Nov 28th - This Thurs'day was Thanksgiving, so of course I was grateful for the almighty Thor, god of thunder, and the Native Americans who taught the colonial forefathers how to plant corn with fish heads... and for food with the family.
Nov 29th - Friday I was overwhelmingly grateful for the lovely friends who joined us in TRIOMMM kirtan circle and for Seth for having us at ILLIO.
Nov 30th - Yesterday, I was grateful for Naomi for working with me to make the video, giving me lots of money, food, cider, and a comfy shirt.

Dec 1st - Today, I'm grateful that it's December! My Birthday is coming, Yule is coming, the Winter Solstice is coming, Anchorman 2 is coming, the Hobbit 2 is coming! OMGGG!! YAYY!!

Dec 2nd - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 3rd - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 4th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 5th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 6th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 7th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 8th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 9th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 10th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 11th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 12th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 13th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 14th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 15th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 16th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 17th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 18th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 19th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 20th - Today, I'm grateful
Dec 21st - Today, I'm grateful